


some of this layouts are uses addons from www.brainbombers.com and from www.freewebs.com/dayledave/

Trans Island
Trans island is a layout when 3 main island conected by railway system.                            


Mount Vermont
Mount Vermont is a place which have trains that climbs the mountains .           


Woodland is a small layout that serves economy and premium class trains. It has 2 stations, the second station is on logging village above station 1 ( main station ). Because the normal locomotive can't climb to the second station, there will be a small locomotive that pulls the train to the logging village ( station 2 that much higher than the main station ).


Iron Horses Layouts
I'm not just create Rule the Rail! layouts, i create Iron Horses layouts too...

My first Iron Horses layout. A small busy town where are all people were friendly.

Hope you enjoy the layouts!

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